Immigration Law

EB2 visa bulletin: ¿en qué consiste y cómo lo podemos ayudar?

EB2 visa bulletin refiere al boletín de visas EB-2 (así se dice en español). Es una herramienta esencial para quienes buscan obtener una visa de inmigrante basada en empleo de segunda preferencia en los Estados Unidos. Así, se encuentra pensada para profesionales con habilidades excepcionales y trabajadores con títulos avanzados que desean establecerse en los Estados Unidos de manera permanente. 

Cabe destacar que EB2 visa bulletin proporciona información esencial sobre la disponibilidad de dichas opciones, lo que ayuda a los solicitantes a comprender cuándo podrán avanzar en su proceso de inmigración. Para conocer todo lo que le podemos ofrecer y más, ¡siga leyendo!

¿Qué es EB2 visa bulletin y por qué es importante?

EB2 visa bulletin es una publicación mensual del Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de los Estados Unidos (USCIS) que establece las fechas de prioridad actuales para dicha categoría. Esta, además, se encuentra diseñada para inmigrantes que poseen habilidades avanzadas, títulos avanzados o experiencia excepcional en sus campos profesionales, por lo que sirve, por ejemplo, para determinar cuándo los solicitantes elegibles pueden avanzar en el proceso de inmigración. 

Asimismo, debido a la alta demanda y las limitaciones de visas disponibles, las fechas de prioridad pueden retroceder o avanzar. Esto hace que el boletín sea una herramienta esencial para planificar y gestionar.

¿Cuáles son los requisitos principales para calificar en EB2 visa bulletin?

Para calificar en EB2 visa bulletin, los solicitantes deben cumplir con ciertos requisitos esenciales:

  • Cualificación profesional: deben demostrar habilidades excepcionales en su campo, generalmente requiriendo un título avanzado (maestría o superior) o una amplia experiencia laboral
  • Oferta de empleo: un empleador estadounidense debe ofrecer un trabajo permanente y a tiempo completo que requiera las habilidades y calificaciones específicas del solicitante
  • Prioridad de fecha: la elegibilidad se determina según la fecha de presentación de la solicitud en comparación con la fecha de prioridad establecida en el boletín de visas
  • Proceso de solicitud: los solicitantes deben presentar una petición I-140 ante USCIS

Es importante consultar el boletín de visas actualizado y obtener asesoramiento legal para comprender plenamente los requisitos y el proceso.

¿Cuáles son las restricciones y limitaciones?

Las restricciones y limitaciones pueden variar según el contexto, pero en general, refieren a las condiciones que restringen o limitan la realización de una tarea o el logro de un objetivo. Estas incluyen lo físico, financiero, temporal, tecnológico o legal. Por ejemplo, en un proyecto, las restricciones presupuestarias, de tiempo o de recursos humanos suelen limitar su alcance. A su vez, existen también casos en los que las restricciones abarcan la faceta familiar. 

¿Puedo cambiar mi estatus de visa dentro de los Estados Unidos a una EB2 visa bulletin?

Sí, es posible cambiar tu estatus de visa dentro de los Estados Unidos a una EB2 si cumple con los requisitos. ¿Cómo? Hay varias maneras. Por lo general, se requiere que un empleador estadounidense lo patrocine y presente una petición en su nombre. También debe demostrar que cumple con los criterios de elegibilidad para dicha categoría.

De todos modos, es importante verificar las fechas de prioridad en el Boletín para asegurarse de que tu solicitud sea procesada en el momento adecuado. 

Para iniciar el trámite de EB2 visa bulletin o para realizar consultas respecto a sus alcances, cómo sacarle el máximo provecho e incluso otros asuntos relacionados, no espere más. Póngase ya mismo en contacto con nuestros especialistas y ¡agende una cita!

Si está buscando un fiador de inmigración, nuestros socios legales pueden ayudarle. Ellos tienen experiencia en este campo y le proporcionarán asesoría confiable para garantizar un proceso sin complicaciones. Comuníquese con ellos hoy mismo y obtenga la asistencia necesaria para asegurar el éxito de su solicitud de inmigración con un fiador.

Immigration Law

¿Qué es la Visa EB2 y cómo lo ayudamos a conseguirla?

La Visa EB2, abreviatura de “Employment-Based Second Preference Visa” es un tipo de visa de inmigrante diseñada para profesionales altamente calificados y personas con habilidades excepcionales que desean trabajar y residir permanentemente en los Estados Unidos. Así, es una de las más buscadas por quienes desean aprovechar las oportunidades laborales y profesionales.

Concretamente, la visa EB2 está dirigida a tres categorías principales de solicitantes: profesionales con títulos avanzados, personas con habilidades excepcionales en sus campos y trabajadores extranjeros que desean empleo en los Estados Unidos en beneficio del interés nacional. Para conocer cómo calificar, sus beneficios y más, entonces ¡siga leyendo!

¿Cómo aplicar para la visa EB2?

Para aplicar visa EB-2 tiene que seguir estos pasos:

  • Encuentre un empleador patrocinador: debe tener una oferta de un empleador estadounidense dispuesto a patrocinarlo
  • Verifique si cumple con los requisitos: cumpla con los criterios de elegibilidad que pueden incluir tener una licenciatura avanzada, una habilidad excepcional o logros destacados en su campo
  • Permiso laboral: su empleador debe obtener la certificación laboral del Departamento de Trabajo de USA
  • Presente el Formulario I-140: llene y presente el Formulario I-140 y petición de trabajador inmigrante, junto con los documentos requeridos y las tarifas correspondientes al Servicio de Ciudadanía e Inmigración de Estados Unidos (USCIS)
  • Visa de inmigrante: solicite una visa de inmigrante EB-2 en una embajada o consulado y asista a una entrevista
  • Ajuste de estatus (opcional): si se encuentra legalmente en Estados Unidos puede solicitar un ajuste de estatus para obtener la tarjeta de residencia permanente

¿Cuáles son los beneficios de la visa EB2?

La visa EB2 ofrece varios beneficios significativos para quienes califican. 

  • Proporciona una vía hacia la residencia permanente en los Estados Unidos
  • No requiere de un patrocinador familiar, lo que permite a los solicitantes más control sobre su proceso de inmigración
  • Para algunas personas, la opción de solicitar una exención de trabajo (National Interest Waiver – NIW) permite la autosponsorización
  • Los titulares pueden solicitar la residencia permanente para sus cónyuges e hijos solteros menores de 21 años
  • Brinda una oportunidad valiosa para aquellos con habilidades avanzadas o grados superiores que desean establecerse en los Estados Unidos

¿Se puede obtener la residencia permanente con este visado?

Sí, es posible obtener la residencia permanente a través de la también denominada EB2 visa. Recuerde que se trata de una categoría de visa de inmigrante que proporciona la posibilidad de irse a vivir a Estados Unidos de manera definitiva. 

Una vez que se aprueba la petición I-140 (Petición de Inmigrante para Trabajador Extranjero) y se cumple con los requisitos adicionales, como la disponibilidad de visas y fechas de prioridad, los titulares de la visa EB2 pueden ajustar su estatus en los Estados Unidos o solicitar una visa de inmigrante.

¿Cuál es la diferencia entre la EB2 y EB3?

La principal diferencia entre la visa EB2 y EB3 radica en los criterios de elegibilidad y las categorías laborales a las que se aplican en el contexto del sistema de inmigración de Estados Unidos.

Concretamente, la primera está destinada a personas con habilidades excepcionales en campos como ciencia, arte, educación o negocios, así como a profesionales con títulos avanzados. Requiere de una oferta de empleo y, en algunos casos, la certificación laboral del Departamento de Trabajo de USA. 

Por otra parte, la visa EB3 está dirigida a trabajadores calificados, profesionales y trabajadores no calificados. Estos deben tener habilidades específicas y títulos o certificados que demuestren  que efectivamente es elegible para lo que se requiere.

Para saber más detalles sobre la visa EB3, sus alcances y beneficios, diferencias con otras similares, etc. entonces no espere más. Comuníquese ya mismo con nuestros abogados y ¡agende una cita!

Por otro lado, si necesita una carta de recomendación para inmigración y tiene algunas preguntas frecuentes al respecto, nuestro socio legal puede brindarle la orientación necesaria. En su artículo exclusivo, encontrará respuestas a las dudas comunes sobre este tema y cómo obtener una carta de recomendación efectiva para su proceso migratorio. ¡No dude en contactarlos hoy mismo para obtener una consulta y asegurar que su solicitud de inmigración sea respaldada de manera adecuada!

Immigration Law

Abogados de inmigración: ¡conozca todo lo que le ofrecemos!

Los abogados de inmigración desempeñan un papel muy importante en el complejo y dinámico campo de la ley de inmigración. Estos profesionales legalmente capacitados se especializan en asesorar y representar a individuos, familias y empresas en asuntos relacionados con la migración y la ciudadanía. 

Ya sea que alguien esté buscando trabajar, estudiar, reunirse con seres queridos o buscar refugio en otro país, los abogados de inmigración brindan orientación experta para navegar por los procesos legales y regulatorios. Si le interesa saber más detalles, entonces ¡continúe leyendo!

¿Qué hacen los abogados de inmigración?

Nuestros abogados de inmigración se encargan de brindar asesoramiento legal y representación a personas y empresas en asuntos vinculados con leyes de inmigración y visas. El trabajo abarca una variedad de servicios, como ayudar en la solicitud de visas de trabajo, residencia y ciudadanía, así como en la defensa contra deportaciones y la resolución de problemas legales que surgen en contextos migratorios. 

A su vez, se lo puede asistir en la obtención de asilo o refugio, la reunificación familiar y la comprensión de las regulaciones migratorias, entre otros. También, claro está, garantizarle si cumple, o no, con los diferentes requisitos para poder emigrar a los Estados Unidos y evitarle imprevistos o pérdidas de tiempo.

¿Por qué contratar abogados de inmigración?

Contratar a nuestros abogados de inmigración es imprescindible debido a la complejidad de las leyes y regulaciones migratorias. Asimismo, hay seis razones concretas para hacerlo:

  • Poseen conocimientos especializados para guiar a los solicitantes a través del laberinto legal
  • Comprenden las opciones disponibles para recomendar y contribuir a que la persona consiga la más indicada
  • Ayudan en la preparación de documentos y previenen errores costosos. 
  • Están constantemente actualizados respecto a los cambios o normas en las políticas migratorias
  • Ofrecen representación legal ante las autoridades en caso de ser necesario 
  • Lo pueden asesorar en cada uno de los pasos a seguir e incluso si surgen imprevistos

¿Cuánto cobran los abogados de inmigración el servicio?

El precio de nuestros abogados depende de diversos factores; entre ellos, la complejidad de su caso, el tiempo que se requiera desde el inicio de su caso hasta que culmine y todo lo que pueda ir surgiendo durante el proceso. Por ejemplo, no es igual si reúne todas las condiciones para aplicar a alguno de los programas para Estados Unidos (por ejemplo, parole humanitario) que si padece otras complicaciones que demoran la decisión de las autoridades de admitirlo. 

Según todo lo descrito e incluso otros factores, los monto varían. ¡Comuníquese con nuestros especialistas para comentarles en detalle su situación y le responderán de manera rápida y precisa!

¿Cómo nuestros especialistas pueden ayudarlo?

La contratación de nuestros abogados le harán evidenciar una gran decisión, ya que le ofrecerán todo lo siguiente:

  • Evaluación de su caso particular para ofrecerle la mejor alternativa
  • Asesoramiento completo desde el principio del proceso hasta el fin
  • Posibilidad de realizar consultas en todo momento y reunirse de forma presencial u online, dependiendo de donde se encuentre o incluso lo que le convenga
  • Se le facilitarán tips para simplificar el proceso y aumentar las probabilidades de que las autoridades le concedan la solicitud de inmigración para algún programa u opción
  • Se lo representará ante las autoridades si es necesario

Para conocer más detalles sobre los servicios que ofrecen nuestros abogados de inmigración, todo lo que incluyen, cómo lo pueden ayudar según su situación particular, etc. no espere más. Póngase ya mismo en contacto y ¡agende una cita!

¿Necesita un abogado de derecho civil en California? Nuestro socio legal tiene más de 30 años de experiencia en este campo, brindando representación confiable y soluciones efectivas a nuestros clientes. Confíe en sus conocimientos y dedicación para resolver sus asuntos legales de manera exitosa. ¡Póngase en contacto hoy mismo para obtener la ayuda que necesita en temas de derecho civil!

Immigration Law

How write a reference letter for immigration family member? January 2025

A reference letter for immigration family member serves as a formal document that attests to the character, relationship, and support of an individual seeking immigration status. This letter, written by a trusted person such as a family friend, employer, or community member, outlines the positive attributes, achievements, and contributions of the immigrant’s family member.

It aims to provide evidence of their suitability for immigration by highlighting their integrity, moral character, and strong family ties. Ultimately, a well-written reference letter can greatly influence immigration authorities in their decision-making process. If you interested, then continue reading!

What is a reference letter for immigration family member?

A reference letter for immigration family member is a document written by someone who knows the relative well and can provide insights into their character, abilities, and suitability for immigration purposes. It serves as a testimonial to support the relative’s immigration application, providing additional information beyond what is stated in official documents.

The reference letter typically includes details about the writer’s relationship with the relative, their observations of the relative’s personal qualities, achievements, and contributions to the community. The purpose of the letter is to demonstrate the relative’s positive attributes and potential to contribute to their new country, ultimately helping to strengthen their immigration case.

Who can write a reference letter for immigration family member?

A reference letter for immigration family member can be written by various individuals who have a close relationship with the relative and can provide a well-informed testimonial. Suitable candidates for writing such a letter may include employers, supervisors, teachers, mentors, community leaders, or professionals in relevant fields.

The ideal person should have direct knowledge of the relative’s character, abilities, achievements, and contributions to society. It’s important that the individual writing the reference letter has a good reputation and credibility. Additionally, they should be able to articulate their observations and experiences in a clear and concise manner, highlighting the relative’s positive qualities and potential for success. If you want to know more, then contact our specialists, who will provide you with all the information and provide you with the advice you need.

Which are the advantages reference letter for immigration family member?

A reference letter for immigration family member can provide several advantages. Firstly, it serves as evidence of a genuine and close relationship, which is crucial for family-based immigration applications. The letter can highlight the emotional and financial support the immigrant will receive from their family, demonstrating their integration and potential for success in the new country.

Additionally, a reference letter can attest to the immigrant’s character, highlighting their positive qualities, skills, and achievements. This can enhance their credibility and demonstrate their ability to contribute to the host country’s society and economy.

Moreover, a well-written reference letter from a reputable source can carry significant weight with immigration authorities, potentially influencing their decision-making process in favor of the applicant.

Examples of reference letter for immigration family member

There are several models or examples of this type of letter. However, the ideal is to follow the following style or format:

  • You must start with your, name, address, city, State, ZIP Code, email, Phone number and date
  • Continue with immigration officer’s name, immigration office address and city, State and ZIP Code
  • Then continue with Subject: Reference Letter for [Spouse’s Full Name]
  • Then: Dear [Immigration Officer’s Name]
  • Write formally with good spelling and grammar and always correct

How our lawyers can help you?

Our lawyers will assist you step by step with everything you need regarding the letter of recommendation for your immigration case: drafting, information to include, guidance on how to write it or address the authorities, and verifying spelling, style, or manner of speech, among other aspects.

Moreover, you will receive constant guidance from our experts throughout each step to follow, being able to communicate at all times, whether in person or online, depending on your location. You can also consult on related topics, among other services.

If you need to know more details about reference letter for immigration family member, the benefits you can obtain, why it is so recommended and other similar issues, contact our lawyers right now and schedule a appointment!

If you have any additional questions, you can contact our allied partner, who has more than 30 years of experience in immigration cases and we are sure that its immigration law firm will be able to help you in everything you need and will solve your doubts throughout the process, call today for a consultation!

Immigration Law

Political asylum lawyer in Ontario, California January 2025

Each country has its own laws for migrants who have arrived in their lands, within these laws, there are several options for these migrants to stay in the country they have chosen to settle. Any procedure that you want to do is good that you can first get advice, and our political asylum lawyer is the person who is prepared to support anyone who needs to initiate a legal process. 

When an immigrant arrives to the United States seeking refuge, he/she can apply for this status that allows him/her to settle in the country, as any legal process, there are certain complications and requirements that, without knowledge, an immigrant may not have the possibility of being able to access this. That is why it is necessary to be able to access the support of our political asylum lawyer, and this time we will talk about this issue as clearly as possible. Keep reading!

What is political asylum?  

Political asylum is basically the option for those who have been persecuted or abused in their country of origin, and seek refuge elsewhere. There are countries whose political and security situation is difficult, crimes and lack of security in these countries have affected thousands of people, this violation of fundamental rights is what has made many countries create protection policies for those who are often forced to leave their home countries to seek refuge elsewhere. 

Who can apply for political asylum and seek a political asylum lawyer?

Anyone who feels threatened in their home country for religious, political, ethnic, etc. Reasons. Although times have changed, and there are many things that have improved considerably, you can still find many places where people are persecuted, mistreated or violated because of their beliefs, political or religious orientation, these reasons undoubtedly make many must be forced to leave everything behind to find a safe place for them.

political asylum lawyer

Here are 5 things you should know about a political asylum lawyer

A political asylum lawyer specializes in helping those who have had to flee their country for reasons such as religious, racial or political persecution. It is important to mention that in order to apply for asylum in the United States, you must be a foreign national and outside your country. If possible, seek the support of our political asylum lawyer to advise and guide you from the beginning. Schedule a consultation with our political asylum lawyer!

Who can apply for and seek a political asylum lawyer?

Anyone who has suffered persecution in his or her home country for reasons of religion, race, or political beliefs may file an asylum claim. The United States, like many countries, offers protection for those who are persecuted or in danger in their own home countries. Any of these reasons is reason enough to seek safety and refuge in another country, so if you have been suffering from any of the above reasons, do not hesitate to seek help of our political asylum lawyer!

The requirements to apply to a political asylum lawyer

In addition to the persecution mentioned above, you also have to prove that you are in danger if you return to your country, or you would not receive help from the government. It is also necessary to present evidence of the reasons for which you were persecuted, and that these reasons are recognized in the United States as grounds for asylum. 

For this it is important that you can find out in advance what are the requirements and causes and thus be able to have the necessary documentation before making the request, you could also contact a lawyer for political asylum, which will give you all the information and help you with the process. Remember the importance of having proof of these reasons, this will make the process easier for our political asylum lawyer.

What proof do I need to present to the lawyer to request asylum in the United States?

It is important that you can prove your identity and the reason you are seeking asylum. Documents, letters or testimonies from friends or family members are some evidence that may be helpful in your case. 

If you have the opportunity to present a legal document from your country of origin where it talks about your situation, this may be useful, in some countries there are legal documents that talk about the situation, in cases where you are not clear about the evidence that may be useful, it is important that you can contact our political asylum lawyer to can advise you and can also help you gather the necessary evidence for your application to be accepted.

Where can you apply for political asylum?

You can apply at a port of entry such as an airport or border, or you can apply if you are already inside the country. Subsequently, contact our political asylum lawyer to be able to support you throughout the legal process. Remember that you are not alone, we are here to support you in everything you need.

How much does a political asylum lawyer charge for a case in the United States?

Our attorneys have different rates and fees, but on average you can expect to pay between $5,000 and $10,000. Each has different costs, but if you can afford a good lawyer, you will increase your chances of getting political asylum status.

Whatever the cost our lawyer may have, it will be a small cost for the huge advance you would have if you receive the status. Our lawyer can give you not only the outcome of the status, but also to open other doors and other areas of your life in the United States. Call today and get your first consultation!

What exactly does an asylum attorney do?

Now, a political asylum lawyer is a person who has been prepared to help anyone who needs it in this type of case. Our asylum lawyers are experts in the successful handling of asylum cases, so you can be 100% sure that we will help you move your case forward.

Our political asylum lawyers can help you throughout the process, for example, compliance with each of the requirements both to request it and to maintain it later for a certain time and about the information you must say during the asylum interview.

How long does the asylum process take in the United States?

The time it takes to resolve an asylum case varies from weeks to several years. However, there are programs such as “priority appointments” for certain urgent situations that open the process faster. This is important to keep in mind, as our asylum lawyer can help you determine if you qualify for a priority appointment and expedite the process.

To qualify for a priority appointment, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Have an asylum case with plausible grounds.
  • Have been presented within 1 year of arrival in the country.
  • You must show that you have serious abuse in your home country and imminent risk if they return.
  • You must also show that you have a high level of cooperation and responsibility in your case.
political asylum lawyer

What else should I know?

Our political asylum lawyer is in charge of establishing whether you can request a scheduled appointment. Have a way to certify these requirements will allow our political asylum lawyer to assist you in this process as quickly as possible.

Remember, once again, that our asylum lawyer is the one who will tell you how to carry out the process. Also, everything it includes and the state it is in during the application period and also while it is in force.

What can I do if I am denied asylum in the United States?

If your case is denied, there is always the option to file an appeal or stop your deportation immediately. However, these steps are often difficult, and our asylum attorney can help you determine your options and how to proceed. Also, it is important to note that you can always resubmit your case in the future if there are changes or new evidence to support your asylum claim.

You can re-apply if there are changes in your situation or if there is new evidence to support your case, always seek the support of our political asylum lawyer who can guide you through the application and who is more knowledgeable about how to apply. It must make it be handled.

Although it is difficult to be denied asylum, you should always seek the support of our lawyer, who will be able to guide you through the application and who is more knowledgeable about how the application should be handled.

The importance of political asylum today

Getting a political asylum lawyer is always a good option for all the benefits you will get if you are granted political asylum. This is so, even if its price is high.

In a context in which immigration and applications to live and work abroad are growing every day, operating with greater security and full protection if you suffer all kinds of inconveniences will mean enjoying much happier experiences. Isn’t that what you long for to live in the United States or in another country? Contact our law firm today!

political asylum lawyer

United States, an ideal country for foreigners

The growth of immigration and inquiries to work abroad occurs at a time when persecution, economic crises and other problems that Latin countries suffer are increasing every day.

The United States is a country that offers good jobs and development opportunities. In addition to good living conditions and equality before the law. No citizen, regardless of the country they come from, can be discriminated against and suffer situations of violence, discrimination or injustice.

All of these reasons explain why there are so many inquiries with our political asylum lawyers to live and work in the United States for different periods of time. Also, that justifies why our political asylum lawyers receive more and more inquiries about it every day. In addition, good experiences make this country one of the best opportunities to live and work.

In this country, all foreigners who obtain political asylum will be able to work, develop and even receive training in many areas and activities; that is, it is not necessary to be a doctor, lawyer, engineer or programmer.

Under equal conditions and with all the benefits that we tell you about, foreigners will find the best options for their personal development.

Comply with all the conditions, more than necessary

In any case, it is important to remind you that, in order to be a beneficiary of all this and enjoy day to day, you must meet all the requirements for political asylum. That is, to demonstrate that you are really in a position to request it as well as to receive it.

For this reason, we recommend that if you want to apply for asylum in the United States and you feel that you have the conditions, do not get excited and consult with our political asylum lawyers to make sure that you are really in a position to receive it.

Other factors influencing political asylum

Once you’ve started the asylum process, start finding out what you can do and what opportunities to take advantage of. These may also vary depending on the region where you will be staying (California, New York, Texas, Seattle, etc.) and the weeks or months you will be staying.

If you wish to apply for political asylum in the USA, please contact our immigration law firm as soon as possible for a consultation.

In the same way, if you want to know the differences between political asylum and refuge, we invite you to seek advice from an immigration lawyer who is an expert on the subject to help you clarify your doubts and move forward with your immigration case.

Immigration Law

5 important facts about immigration VAWA

Every migrant in any country is exposed to an endless number of risks that can affect him in many ways just for being a migrant, for this reason the governments of different countries have created laws, whose purpose is to protect the rights of all migrants who are seeking refuge in their respective countries. In spite of this, there are dangers to which any of us are exposed no matter what country we are in, we may be in our native country and still be in danger of being a victim of any type of violence, but in this case we will talk about women and immigration VAWA.

In this blog post, we will discuss the requirements, benefits and institutions involved in VAWA immigration. We will also provide tips on how to apply for this type of immigration. If you are interested in learning more, read on!

What is immigration VAWA?

Immigration VAWA is a type of immigration that offers certain benefits and protections to victims of domestic violence. It has been operating since 1994 in the United States, although it has gone through different regulations and changes over the years, its creation is intended to help immigrant women who have been victims of domestic violence, one of the most recurrent types of violence in the world, no one, regardless of socioeconomic status, religion or gender is being exempt from being a victim, although the same statistics show that mostly women are often the targets of this type of violence. The United States created this law in order to protect migrant women who have been victims.

In order to be eligible for immigration VAWA, you must meet the following requirements 

Immigration VAWA has the following requirements: 

-Must be married or have been married to a U.S. citizen or permanent resident;

-Must have suffered physical violence or threats of violence by a spouse or partner;

-Must currently live in the United States; and

-Must meet other requirements.

If you are eligible for immigration VAWA, you may be granted certain benefits, including: 

-The ability to apply for a green card without having to go through your abusive;

-The ability to work in the United States;

-Protection from removal (deportation) from the U.S.; and

-Other benefits.

immigration vawa

Organizations you can turn to for immigration VAWA

There are many organizations that discuss and promote immigration VAWA. These organizations can provide you with information and resources about immigration VAWA. Some of these organizations are. 

-National Domestic Violence Hotline 

-The National Domestic Violence Hotline is a national, confidential helpline for victims of domestic violence. They can provide you with information about immigration VAWAand other resources. 


-RAINN is an organization that provides support to victims of sexual violence. They can provide you with information about immigration VAWA and other resources. 

-The National Immigration Project 

-The National Immigration Project is a national organization that provides legal assistance to immigrants. They can provide you with information about immigration VAWA and other resources.

How to apply for immigration VAWA?

If you are interested in applying for immigration VAWA, there are a few things you should know. The first step is to file an application with the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). You will need to provide proof of your domestic violence, such as a police report or medical records. You will also need to submit a personal statement detailing your experience with domestic violence. Once your application is complete, you will be interviewed by a USCIS officer. If you are approved for immigration VAWA, you will be granted a green card.

Immigration VAWA can be a complex process, but there are many resources available to help you. If you think you may be eligible for VAWA immigration, contact one of our immigration advisors, we are here to help you with everything you need.

In addition, if your case involves family members and you need the help of an experienced family immigration lawyer, you can contact our allied partner, who has over 30 years of experience in this type of cases and who we are sure will help you with everything you need. Contact them today!

Immigration Law

How to perform a criminal record check?

A criminal record check is a process by which a person can obtain information about another person’s criminal history. It is often used as part of the hiring process, to ensure that potential employees do not have any criminal convictions that would disqualify them for the job. This blog post will cover the basics of criminal background checks, including what they are, when they need to be done, and who typically requests them. We will also discuss how criminal records are accessed and what implications a criminal record can have on a person’s life.

What is a criminal record check?

A criminal record check is an investigation of the criminal history of any person who has committed any crime. It can be done by searching public records or by contacting law enforcement. The criminal record check will reveal any convictions the person has on their record or lack thereof.

When should a criminal record check be performed?

There are many circumstances in which a criminal record check can be useful. For example, employers often do criminal record checks on prospective employees to make sure they don’t hire someone with a criminal record. Landlords may also run criminal background checks on prospective tenants to ensure they are not renting to someone with a history of violence or theft. And people who are considering dating someone new may choose to check their potential partner’s criminal history to make sure they’re not getting involved with someone who has a criminal record.

Who usually requests the criminal record check?

There are many entities that can request a criminal record check, such as employers whether these are large, medium or small business owners, landlords and dating websites. In most cases, the person from whom the verification is requested will have to give their consent. Which means that if you don’t have to have a record so that at the time the background check is done, the person requesting it can have a better reference of who you are.

criminal record check

How do you access the criminal record to be able to carry out the verification?

There are several ways to access criminal records, you should find the one that is accessible to you. The most common method is to search public records. Many courts maintain online databases of criminal convictions that can be searched by name or case number. Another way to access criminal records is to contact law enforcement in the jurisdiction where the crimes were committed. Finally, some private companies offer criminal background check services, some of which usually require a prior payment to obtain the information.

What are the implications of a criminal record check?

Criminal record checks can have many implications in a person’s life. For example, it can make it difficult to find employment or housing. It can also lead to immigration problems in which case you should seek the advice of a lawyer who can advise you. In some cases, criminal records can even lead to loss of voting rights. Therefore, it is important to understand the implications of a criminal record check before consenting to it.

It is important that you are clear about the importance of the criminal background check, it can affect your life in the United States. In case you are interested in any important legal decision or consultation, remember that you can contact us for a consultation.

If you have any additional questions, you can contact our allied partner, who has more than 30 years of experience in immigration cases and we are sure that your immigration law firm will be able to help you in everything you need! Call today for a consultation!

Immigration Law

Immigration Reference Letter: 3 things you need to know

What is an immigration reference letter?

An immigration reference letter is a document that provides information about someone’s character. It is written by someone who knows the person well and can attest to their good moral character. 

There are several types of immigration reference letters, but they all serve the same purpose: to provide proof that the person in question is a good candidate for residency or citizenship. In this blog post, we will talk about how to write an immigration reference letter, what language to use, and who you can request one from.

Immigration reference letters are also known as character references. They are written by people who know the applicant well and can attest to their good moral character. Immigration reference letters are used to support residency or citizenship applications.

There are several types of immigration reference letters, but they all serve the same purpose: to provide proof that the person in question is a good candidate for residency or citizenship. The card types are:

-A letter of general recommendation

-A character reference

-A work reference

-A student reference

Each type of immigration reference letter will provide different information about the applicant. The person requesting the letter must decide what type of letter is needed.

How do you write an immigration reference letter?

When writing an immigration reference letter, it is important to use positive language. The letter must be free of negative or critical comments. It should focus on the applicant’s good qualities and strengths. Immigration reference letters are usually one page long and written in business letter format.

Below you will find a sample immigration reference letter

Dear [Name of Immigration Officer],

I am writing to recommend [Applicant Name] for residency in the United States. I have known [Applicant Name] for [time] and can attest to his good character. [Applicant Name] is a hard-working individual with a strong work ethic. He is honest and trustworthy. I think he would be an excellent candidate for residency in the United States.

To be honest,

[Your name]

What language should you use in an immigration reference letter?

Immigration reference letters are written in English. However, if you know that the immigration official reading the letter speaks another language, you may include a translation of the letter in that language as well.

Immigration reference letters are written in business letter format. At the top of the letter should be the date, your name and contact details, and the name and contact details of the immigration officer. The body of the letter should be one paragraph.

immigration reference letter

How and from whom can an immigration reference letter be requested?

Immigration reference letters can be requested from employers, teachers, professors, coaches, or anyone else who knows the applicant well. The best way to request a letter is to do it in person. This will give the person time to think about what they want to say and allow you to answer any questions they may have.

If you can not meet in person, you can submit a formal request by email or mail. Be sure to include all necessary information, such as your name, address, and phone number.

When you are in the process of requesting a letter, make sure you know and know the opinion of the person who is requesting the letter of recommendation and be clear that its content will favor the decision of your stay in the country. In case you require a more professional opinion about the letter of recommendation you have requested, contact a lawyer who will not only give you a professional opinion but will also be able to support you in the legal process you are carrying out, enter HERE so you can request support.

If you have any additional questions, you can contact our Spanish-speaking allied partner, who has more than 30 years of experience in immigration cases and we are sure that his immigration law firm will be able to help you in everything you need and will solve your doubts. throughout the entire process Call today and get a consultation!

Immigration Law

Permanent resident in commuter status: How can we help to obtain it? January 2025

Permanent Resident in Commuter Status refers to a special residency category that allows individuals to live in one country while working or studying in another, while maintaining their permanent residency in the first country. In this article, we will delve into what this status entails, the benefits of obtaining it, the requirements and documents needed to obtain it, the step-by-step legal process, the associated costs, and how we can assist you in the process.

What is Permanent Resident in Commuter Status?

Permanent Resident in Commuter Status applies to individuals who have obtained permanent residency in one country but need to temporarily reside in another country due to reasons such as work or studies. This status enables them to maintain their permanent residency in their home country while enjoying the benefits of living and working in the destination country.

Benefits of obtaining Permanent Resident in Commuter Status

  1. Freedom of movement: holders of this status have the flexibility to travel between their country of permanent residence and the country where they work or study without significant restrictions.
  2. Stability: despite living temporarily in another country, they retain their permanent residency in their home country, providing them with stability and security.
  3. Rights and protections: commuter status permanent residents typically enjoy the same rights and protections as conventional permanent residents in their home country.
  4. Access to services and benefits: they can access services and benefits in both countries, such as healthcare, education, and social security systems.

Requirements and documents needed to obtain Permanent Resident in Commuter Status

The requirements and necessary documents may vary depending on the country and its immigration laws. However, the following elements are generally common:

  1. Permanent residency: you must hold permanent residency status in your home country.
  2. Justification of commuting: you will need to demonstrate that you need to temporarily reside in the destination country due to work, studies, or other valid circumstances.
  3. Proof of ties: you may be required to demonstrate significant ties to your home country, such as properties, family relationships, or investments.

Step-by-step legal process to obtain Permanent Resident in Commuter Status

The legal process may vary by country, but generally involves the following steps:

  1. Research and gather information: learn about the specific requirements of the destination country and gather the necessary documentation.
  2. Application: submit an application to the immigration authorities of the destination country, attaching the required documents.
  3. Application processing: the authorities will review your application and documents, and determine your eligibility for Permanent Resident in Commuter Status. They may conduct background checks or request additional information if needed.
  4. Interview or appointment: depending on the country’s procedures, you may be required to attend an interview or appointment with immigration officials. This is an opportunity for them to assess your situation and ask any necessary questions.
  5. Decision and approval: after reviewing your application and conducting any necessary assessments, the immigration authorities will make a decision on your Permanent Resident in Commuter Status application. If approved, you will receive a formal notification or documentation confirming your status.

Costs associated with the procedure

The costs associated with obtaining permanent residence as a traveler can vary significantly depending on the country and its specific requirements. These costs may include application fees, processing fees, legal representation fees if desired, and any additional expenses such as translation services or document certifications. It is advisable to consult the official immigration websites or seek the professional advice of our immigration lawyers to understand the precise costs involved in your particular case.

How can we help?

We understand that navigating the process of obtaining Permanent Resident in Commuter Status can be complex and overwhelming. Our team of experienced immigration professionals is here to assist you every step of the way. We can provide guidance on the application process, help you gather the necessary documents, offer advice on meeting the requirements, and ensure that your application is submitted accurately and efficiently. Contact us today to discuss how we can support you in achieving your goal of obtaining Permanent Resident in Commuter Status.

In the same way, if you want to know the differences between political asylum and refuge, we invite you to seek advice from an immigration lawyer who is an expert on the subject to help you clarify your doubts and move forward with your immigration case.

Immigration Law

Law for immigrants in the United States

The Law for Immigrants in the United States was approved on November 8, 1990, and its objective is to regulate immigration in this country. According to this law, every immigrant who enters US territory must have a work permit or be a member of a family that already resides in the United States. The Immigrant Law has generated a lot of controversy since its approval, since many people consider it unfair.
The law for immigrants in the United States aims to regulate the entry and exit of immigrants in the country.
Under the law, all immigrants entering the United States must have a work permit or be a member of a family that already resides in the United States. The Immigrant Law has generated a lot of controversy since its approval, since many people consider it unfair.
The law states that all immigrants must have a visa or work permit to enter the United States.
If the immigrant does not have one of these two documents, she will not be able to enter the country. This law has generated much criticism, as it is considered unfair to those who want to come to the United States to work.
People who are against the Immigrant Law argue that it is very difficult to obtain a visa or a work permit, since the process is quite complicated. On the other hand, those in favor of the law argue that it is necessary to have a visa or a work permit to be in the United States, since otherwise the immigrant will not be able to work or receive social benefits.
Immigrants without a visa or work permit can be deported from the country.
If the immigrant does not have a visa or a work permit, and is found in US territory without these documents, she can be deported from the country. The Immigrant Law has generated a lot of controversy since its approval, since many people consider it unfair.
The law also states that immigrant children cannot be separated from their parents if they are in the country illegally.
If an immigrant child is in the country illegally, he cannot be separated from his parents. The Immigrant Law has generated a lot of controversy since its approval, since many people consider it unfair.
Proponents of the law say it is necessary to protect US citizens, while opponents say it is racist and discriminatory.
How can I benefit from the law for immigrants in the United States?
The Law for Immigrants in the United States aims to regulate immigration in this country. According to this law, every immigrant who enters US territory must have a work permit or be a member of a family that already resides in the United States. The Immigrant Law has generated a lot of controversy since its approval, since many people consider it unfair.
The law states that all immigrants must have a visa or work permit to enter the United States.
If the immigrant does not have one of these two documents, she will not be able to enter the country. This law has generated much criticism, as it is considered unfair to those who want to come to the United States to work.
If you need more information, or help about immigration laws, write to us, one of our lawyers will be dedicated to clarifying your doubts.

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