If you are looking for information on the Green Card for parents of American citizens, then this article is for you. In it, you will find information about the necessary requirements and the process you must follow to obtain it.
The Green Card for parents of American citizens is an official card that guarantees the right to reside and work in the United States indefinitely.
Before continuing with the information, we must make some points:
– This Green Card does not immediately grant the right to vote or give automatic access to any type of social or economic benefit from the American government.
– This Green Card is not granted on the basis of international law but by an act of Congress, which implies that the government can decide who receives it and who does not (as opposed to Green Cards for tourism or work).
Because it is an exclusively administrative process, the requirements are minimal: be the father of a naturalized child over 21 years of age; have permanent residence for at least five years in the United States and have not been convicted of any felony or two misdemeanors.
– If you reside outside the border, you will have to go to an American (non-American) consulate to present your Green Card application form. In addition, you will be asked for all the necessary documents which must be original.
– The process can take up to three months.
– Once the Green Card application form arrives, you will have a period of three or four months to complete it and present all the corresponding documents (otherwise, your rights will be lost).
– If you reside outside the border, it is better to do your Green Card application form through the American consulate closest to your home; otherwise you would get unnecessary delays (feel free to ask).
– If your Green Card application form is incomplete, the consulate will give you a deadline to complete it. After those three or four months, no modifications or new documentation will be accepted, so we suggest that you do not miss the deadline.
– Make sure you have completed each step of the Green Card application form correctly and in chronological order; if any information is missing, you will lose your rights in this matter. In addition, if you forget a document, you will not be able to access it later.
– Please note the deadline for each step of the Green Card application form. While these deadlines are flexible and can generally be extended, there is no guarantee of this either.
In summary, we must remember that this type of Green Card does not immediately grant voting rights or give automatic access to any type of social or economic benefit from the American government; however, it does guarantee the right to reside and work in the United States indefinitely.
If you need the help of an immigration lawyer to process this type of Green Card, please contact us through the following form:
You can also communicate through (909) 319-7103 / 1 (800) 559-7170, visit us at 228 West C Street Ontario CA 91762 or send us an email explaining your case to info@sleeplessattorney.com