We would love to help you choose the best cocoa product for you and your health.



Coffee contains an active ingredient that is stimulating and increases the rate of the heartbeat, among other variations. Therefore, you should not drink coffee if you have high blood pressure or heart problems. The active ingredient in coffee also makes people nervous and unable to fall asleep, so it is not recommended to consume it frequently.

Coffee contains a very high amount of tannic acid which is harmful to human health. Drinking coffee has been found to increase the risk of cancer by 50% on average. This is because the tannic acid present in it causes excessive production of free radicals, which are known to cause various types of cancer.


The harmful effects of coffee include increased blood pressure and cholesterol levels, leading to heart disease, unstable mood swings, nervousness, and anxiety. It can also lead to digestive problems, eye damage, and insomnia. Drinking three or more cups of coffee a day will reduce your body’s ability to absorb iron from food (which you need to survive), making it harder to fight infection. Coffee also lowers serotonin levels in the brain, disrupting our normal sleep patterns and causing depression, especially when combined with sugar. Similarly, coffee can cause dehydration, the effects of dehydration first manifest on the face as a dull and dry complexion (due to decreased collagen levels).



One study has linked unfiltered coffee to an increased risk of heart disease, stroke, and premature death. If you constantly consume coffee and also use a French press, you could be causing serious damage to your body in the long term, according to a study published in The European Journal of Preventive Cardiology.

Research found that drinking unfiltered coffee increased a person’s risk of death by 12%. He also highlighted the risks associated with consuming large amounts of caffeine and how it can increase blood pressure, cholesterol levels, pain, headaches and heart arrhythmia.


Although the stimulating effects of coffee can help people wake up, feel alert, and have more energy, these benefits are short-lived. Regular coffee consumption can lead to a number of unhealthy side effects, such as increased blood pressure, headaches, and anxiety disorders. Coffee can also alter the quality of sleep and fertility rates for men and women. Drinking a cup or two of coffee a day could affect your health in the long run.

Coffee contains caffeine, which stimulates the central nervous system. Combining this stimulant with heartburn can lead to esophageal reflux, also known as heartburn. Heartburn occurs when stomach acid leaks from the esophagus into the throat and chest cavity, causing pain or discomfort in these areas. These long-term effects could lead to cancer in the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, coffee can promote hardening of the arteries by modifying cholesterol levels.

These effects may be related to an increased risk of heart attack and stroke. The study was conducted with people who consumed coffee for 8 weeks, compared to the control group fed a diet without coffee.


A few cups at one time are harmless to health, but too much coffee can be poisonous. Due to the caffeine in coffee, it can act like a drug, causing dependency if consumed frequently. As with other drugs, excess caffeine affects the internal organs and systems (heart, respiratory system) causing serious diseases such as palpitations, high blood pressure and nervous tension.

The side effects of coffee have been documented by scientists over the years, and there is no doubt that excessive consumption of this beverage can cause serious harm to human health. Dr. James Munch, a famous specialist in internal medicine, was one of the first to criticize coffee as a “bitter poison” that should be consumed in moderation or eliminated from the diet altogether.



Thanks to its flavonoids, consuming cocoa protects you against cellular damage caused by free radicals. Therefore, it is ideal for our cardiovascular system, preventing the onset of heart disease. In addition, it helps reduce cholesterol and triglycerides.

Fight diseases

Thanks to its antioxidant properties, cocoa is associated with the prevention of oxidative stress pathologies, such as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, liver, gastric, colon cancer and diabetes.


Cocoa helps increase the production of endorphins, hormones that improve our mood. In addition, it contains chemical compounds that in our body produce slightly similar effects to those produced by some cannabinoids, mimicking psychoactive compounds.


  1. High in antioxidants: cocoa is as rich in antioxidants as green tea and red wine.

  2. Relieves stress: thanks to the theobromine, which stimulates the central nervous system and is milder than caffeine, cocoa helps reduce stress levels with a longer effect.

  3. Lowers cholesterol levels: the consumption of cocoa can reduce the levels of bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase the good (HDL).

  4. Relieves Bad Mood: anandamide works as a natural mood regulator. It is used in patients with depression treatment to manage aspects of the mood.

  5. Helps cure diseases: thanks to its antioxidant properties, cocoa can prevent and help cure various diseases such as diabetes, gastritis, hypertension, etc.

  6. It works as a diuretic: the theobromine contained in cocoa takes care of the kidneys; being a relative of caffeine, it increases urine production.

  7. Hydration of the body: cocoa is a super ingredient in topical products, it has hydration benefits for the hair and in reducing cellulite.

  8. Against skin cancer: cocoa is a great antioxidant for the skin thanks to its flavonoids that protect against cell damage caused by free radicals.

  9. Excellent for sexual performance: cocoa chemicals such as phenylethylamine and serotonin are neurotransmitters responsible for stimulating the endorphins in the brain responsible for generating a sensation of well-being, pleasure, euphoria and excitement.


In October 2012, an article in the prestigious New England Journal of Medicine made headlines that linked the annual per capita consumption of cocoa in a country with the number of Nobel Prize winners. Obviously, this result does not imply that there is a causal relationship between consuming cocoa and receiving a Nobel, although there are studies that prove that consuming cocoa improves cognitive functions. Even more interesting is that the analysis carried out in this study also takes into account the per capita income and the average life expectancy of each country. The impact of these factors on the number of Nobel laureates was also quantified to conclude that countries with greater purchasing power (and therefore greater cocoa consumption) have a greater tendency to produce Nobel prizes. This type of inverse relationship was not found in the case of other products such as tea or coffee, which can be explained by their lower nutritional content and their lower market share.

According to Messerli’s observations: “There is a strikingly significant correlation between per capita cocoa consumption and the number of Nobel laureates per ten million people in a total of 23 countries.” Switzerland tops both the number of Nobel laureates and the amount consumed of cocoa, said the researcher, who specified that he used consumption statistics provided by different cocoa manufacturers.

The United States (USA), France and Germany are in the middle, while China, Japan and Brazil are at the bottom of the ranking. Sweden is the exception. While, according to calculations, with 6.4 kilos of cocoa consumed per inhabitant each year the Swedish population should have produced about 14 Nobel prizes, it actually has 32, Messerli noted. The researcher noted that Sweden has an “amazing” history and a very strong scientific tradition. On the other hand, if we look at cocoa consumption in Europe as a whole, we realize that the country with the most Nobel prizes per capita is Sweden. The Swiss rank 35th on the list, with five Nobel laureates, so we could associate cocoa consumption with this important fact.


Many of us have recently been drawn to working ceremonially with nature and medicinal plants to expand our consciousness and create a deeper sense of connection to the world around us. If this has been calling you, you may have come across Cacao or Kava Kava ceremonies. Sound like you? Then you are ready to read this information!

Kava-Kava, or Piper methysticum, is a root from the Pacific Islands that has been ceremonially consumed for over 3,000 years. Kava Kava is a powerful nervine and deeply relaxes us, relieving anxiety especially in social settings. In part, this is why Kava was traditionally drunk to maintain peace and harmony during tribal meetings and negotiations. Historically, Kava was made by all the people gathered together, truly creating an experience of connection and community medicine.


To prepare cocoa you will need:

  • 1 to 1.5 ounces of cocoa mass per person

  • 4 to 5 fluid ounces per person (water or coconut mylk)

  • Honey to taste

    Heat the liquid, but make sure it doesn’t boil! Slowly add the cocoa mass and stir continuously; It will take a while for the cocoa to melt, so you may want to add it in batches. When your cocoa begins to thicken add the honey and spices; stir a little more and serve the cocoa with love.


To prepare kava you will need:

  • 1 to 2 ounces of kava powder per person
    5 to 8 ounces of water or mylk nut
    Honey to taste

    Place your kava powder in a French press or tea press; Fill the press with hot (not boiling) water or hot walnut mylk and let it sit for 20 to 30 minutes. Make sure to vigorously stir your kava at the beginning and end of soaking it. When you’re done preparing your kava, add honey, apple cider vinegar, and spices to taste.


We are all intimately connected with the instinct to create ceremony. Whether we work with kava, cocoa, or find ourselves in a ceremony space in Wanderlust, the foundation of the ceremony is intention and service. Rather than relying on indigenous wisdom traditions that are outside of our lineages and cultures, I encourage you to create a ceremony authentically from your heart, a place of service and love. Take the time to welcome and honor the medicines you are working with and the traditions that have sustained these medicines for centuries. When we conduct our ceremony in the service of a wider healing for the world, commit to ethical sourcing and give back to the communities and environments from which our medicine comes, we are beginning to practice the pillars of sacred reciprocity and relationship. correct with the medicine that really benefit and help. Heal the world.

When we work with sacred plants like cacao or kava, we must also invite their spirit and wisdom to join us in this space. To begin honoring these plants we can offer a prayer of thanks to the land where these medicines come from, recognizing that these plants contain the memory and energy of everything that has happened on this earth. Next, we thank the indigenous communities who have cared for these plants and who have kept the traditions of wisdom alive.


We know that for the Olmecs, Zapotecs, Mayans and Aztecs, cacao was a very important plant. Cacao is mentioned extensively in the Popul Vuh, the Mayan creation story, and can be found in many engravings depicting ritual offerings. Cocoa remains an important part of Mayan culture today, and is used in midwifery, weddings, and other social gatherings. For ancient cultures, knowledge, traditions and wisdom are transmitted from generation to generation around the fire and with a cup of cocoa.

The cocoa ceremony to nurture the heart is a ritual dedicated to personal renewal that keeps us centered, connected to our hearts, and living amicably. Cocoa has the potential to be a guide and a gateway to help each of us embrace our hearts as a starting point for deep healing and fond memories.

Getting together to drink cocoa can create healing, connection, and inspiration. Engaging in chocolate as a ritual, rather than consuming it as a sweet or dessert, has a direct positive impact on our individual well-being, as well as our global ecosystem.

Cacao ceremonies are becoming more popular, because they are spaces for people to connect with each other in new ways, and they are an opportunity to reconnect with old parts of ourselves that recall the simple power of coming together in community.

While each cacao ceremony is different based on the energies of the group present and the facilitation, there are some general things one can expect when attending a cacao ceremony:

  1. A safe and nurturing environment for you to connect with yourself, with the cocoa spirit and with other people in deeper ways.
  2. The group will be guided through a cocoa blessing, where they will learn about the cocoa you are drinking and how it was prepared.
  3. The ceremonial cocoa that is drunk in a ceremony was obtained, elaborated and prepared with love and intention.


Cacao ceremonies are helpful in gaining clarity, setting intentions, and doing internal healing and processing work. Being in a sacred space helps you break out of your normal frame of mind, allowing you to experience new insights and perspectives. Depending on the intention of the ceremony, they can also be wonderful places to connect with people in a safe and open-hearted environment. Sharing cocoa brings us to the same energy frequency. This often results in a deeper and more intimate connection with ourselves and with each other. When several people share cocoa, we have a shared experience of elevated mood, greater vitality, greater intuition and empathy, and a more open and present heart.

Cocoa increases the energy field of our hearts, and when we come together, the field is amplified and intertwined with multiple hearts in the room. When a group drinks cocoa together, they are changing their energy to the same frequency or vibration.

You can also do the cocoa ceremony just for you. This can be done in endless ways, from a personal meditation and journal to a nature walk or on the beach at New Moon.

Creating ceremonial cacao recipes is one way to tap into your intuition.

If you want to make your cocoa ceremony much more special, you can add roses. Rose and cocoa is a beautiful combination that has a smooth, very rounded flavor, and an effect that opens the heart. When combined with the rose, which is said to bring love, healing and compassion, it takes this effect to the next level.


The cocoa ceremony contains the balance of ideal components and energies that stimulate that union of the spirit and the vibration of the heart: it heals and activates a very special and loving frequency in each person. The spirit of cocoa allows you to harmonize emotionally and spiritually what you need, without the intervention of the mind. You will let go of what does not serve you and you will process in a deep way that transformation and change that you need.

Emotional healing

When you work in ceremony with the spirit of this grain, a trip is made to the interior of our being where our wisdom resides, this ceremony reconnects you with the beauty, sweetness and love that resides in yourself. Therapeutically it helps you regain your power to relate and to serve others.

Physical healing

Cocoa is rich in stimulating principles, provides energy to overcome daily work, keeping you more mentally active, eliminating body pain, keeping the skin cleaner and free of impurities.

In correctly prepared cocoa we find a high level of Theobramine, which produces beta-endorphins. These hormones are directly responsible for feelings of tranquility, relaxation and happiness. It acts as a diuretic and stimulates the renal system. It has a stimulating effect on the central nervous system.

In addition, cocoa contains small amounts of other endorphinic substances, directly responsible for emotional ecstasy; It stimulates the pleasure centers and gives a feeling of constant love, therefore, scientists came to the conclusion that chocolate taken in higher quantities induces a pleasant and well-being sensation.

It contains natural antioxidants, suitable mainly as protection against heart diseases and which also help prevent degenerative diseases, cell aging and even cancer.


Heart-nourishing Rose Ceremonial Cocoa Recipe (Makes 1 Serving)


4 tablespoons of chopped ceremonial cocoa (100% Cocoa).
1 cup rose tea (brew food grade rose petals for 10 minutes in hot water) or 1 cup freshly brewed rose tea.
Sweetener of your choice: 1 teaspoon of monk fruit powder, 1 date, 1 teaspoon of raw honey or maple syrup. Use less or more according to your taste. Traditionally, ceremonial cocoa is served without any type of sweetener (it is an acquired taste, accept what your body asks for in the moment).
A pinch of Himalayan salt.


Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend until creamy. Start at low speed, slowly increasing to high as you allow the intention of your cocoa ritual to crystallize, feeling gratitude for the cocoa medicine.

Preparation without blender

1. Combine all the ingredients in a saucepan over low heat and let the cocoa melt while stirring constantly (don’t let it boil).
2. Pour the cocoa into a cup that feels special. Optionally add rose petals on top.
3. Holding it in front of your heart, I invite you to do a little ritual of gratitude and intention.

Frequent questions

  • How much cocoa to consume per day?

    In any case, it should be consumed in moderation and experts recommend between one or two ounces of cocoa a day to take advantage of all its benefits.

  • What diseases does cocoa prevent?

    Cocoa serves to prevent diseases associated with oxidative stress, such as hepatitis, diabetes mellitus, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and cataracts, according to researchers from UNAM and IPN.

  • Does cocoa help you lose weight?

    It is an insulin stabilizer at the level of the pancreas which helps to keep weight stable. Consuming a little cocoa before any meal helps reduce the urge to eat, so you can balance your calorie intake.


''I am an athlete and since I consume cocoa I have more energy to carry out my daily activities, I recommend it 100%.''
Mila Kunis
''I had trouble concentrating, but since I consume cocoa I can work better and without consuming coffee, it's incredible.''
Mila Kunis
''I feel healthier since I started consuming cocoa. I recommend it to everyone, it's really good.''
Mike Sendler


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