Are you looking for what are the requirements for DACA for the first time 2021 in the United States? Then this article is for you. Here you will find all the information you need about the DACA program requirements and which immigrants are eligible to apply.
The Deferred Action Program for Unauthorized Children Entered the Country (DACA) was created by the United States federal government under the Obama administration in July 2012. DACA is a program that makes it easier for undocumented immigrants to reside and work. (people without authorization to reside or work in the United States) who came to this country as children.
For an undocumented youth to be eligible for the DACA program for the first time in 2021, they are required to meet at least one of the following requirements:
– Becoming over 15 years of age and under 31 before October 16, 2012. This requirement requires that the applicant have arrived in the United States before reaching the age of 16.
– Becoming over 15 years of age and under 31 before June 16, 2012, provided that the person is now a student at the school.
– Becoming over 15 years old and under 31 before June 16, 2012, provided that the applicant is a veteran linked to active military service or reservist (including members of the Foreign Hostage Rescue or DEVGRU, the so-called Navy Seals) .
To have DACA requirements for the first time in 2021, there are two basic requirements: The United States is your only country or permanent residence and you have continuously lived in the United States from June 16, 2007 until the date the DACA executive order is issued.
– Being undocumented (not having authorization to reside or work in the United States). If you do not meet this requirement, you could qualify for “Deferred Action” and be eligible for DACA requirements for the first time in 2021.
– Be 15 years of age or older on the date the DACA executive order is issued. This is your chronological age on June 16, 2012, it does not count the missing days.
– Be a native or native American who came to the country with his family from abroad and living in the United States without interruption from 2007 until the date the DACA executive order is issued.
– If your family does not have authorization to reside or work in the United States, your parents may qualify if they meet additional requirements: to be undocumented and to be living stable and uninterruptedly in the country from August 15, 1981 until the date on which the DACA executive order is issued.
The cost of this application is $495.00 USD. The application can be made at any time and there is no limit to the number of applications submitted, but all requirements will be considered under current regulations, which require a more recent date of June 16, 2012 for their chronological age (does not count the days left).
The shipment is made using the computer tools available through the USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) website. A DACA requirement for the first time 2021 requires a complex process and is not done online. A phone call with the operator is required for specific instructions on how to perform all the necessary steps, including:
– Sending the money to pay for your DACA application for the first time in 2021.
– The delivery of additional documentation that was previously requested as of 2013.
– It also requires a phone call with the operator to confirm that your request was received and the date of arrival.
The process can take several months, especially if you don’t have internet access or need additional documentation. The first DACA requirement for the first time 2021 was carried out in 2015 and began in April of the same year. Since then, more requirements are currently pending before the executive order is issued.
If you or a family member need to apply to this program or need legal advice from an expert lawyer, please do not hesitate to contact us through the following form:
You can also communicate through (909) 319-7103 / 1 (800) 559-7170, visit us at 228 West C Street Ontario CA 91762 or send us an email explaining your case to